

BACS is supported primarily by its income from membership fees, plus occasional grants for specific projects from UK sources. Anyone interested in supporting China Studies in Britain is encouraged to join. If you require further information contact the BACS Secretary.


What we do for our members

•    We promote your interests and those of the broader field in response to UK government initiatives (such as the Research Excellence Framework and Quality Assurance Agency) and in communication with major funding bodies (such as HEFCE, ESRC, AHRC and the British Academy).

•    We liaise on your behalf with the UK Council of Area Studies Associations and other subject associations, the China Library Group, China-related representative offices and government departments.

•    We offer you discounted attendance rates for the BACS Annual Conference and other academic events such as the Joint East Asian Studies conference held every three years in cooperation with the British Associations of Japanese Studies (BAJS) and Korean Studies (BAKS).

•    Our active mailing list,, provides you with regular information on China-related events, conferences, job opportunities and research funding schemes.


What we do for the broader community

•    We administer scholarships for teacher training in mainland China (on behalf of the Chinese Ministry of Education) and for language study and research in Taiwan (on behalf of the Taipei Representative Office in the UK).

•    We have a dedicated Schools Liaison Officer who encourages the study of China in schools and colleges across the UK and reports on developments in the National Curriculum and examination levels.

•    We liaise closely with the British Chinese Language Teaching Society (BCLTS), a sub-group of BACS, which aims to improve the teaching of Chinese language in the UK through the sharing of teaching experiences and materials through workshops and symposia.

•    We provide support to the BACS-affiliated China Postgraduate Network (CPN), which organises communications and academic activities for postgraduates in the UK whose research concerns China.

•    We helped to establish and continue to work together with the Association for Speakers of Chinese as a Second Language (ASCSL) in supporting learners of Mandarin Chinese inside and outside academic environments.

•    We engage with employers about their expectations for Chinese Studies graduates and promote the value of a Chinese Studies degree in the workplace.

•    We serve as the overarching body representing all of Chinese Studies across schools, universities, employers and government.


Current annual membership rates are:

Full membership/full-time employment: £40

Full membership/part-time and casual contract: £30

Full membership/student or retiree: £10

Joint/family membership: £55


To apply:

1.Step) Please email the BACS Treasurer, providing the information below. Providing this information is essential, as we otherwise cannot include you on our mailing list or contact you about issues related to your BACS membership (such as polls/votes for matters concerning BACS, membership benefits etc.).

If the name on your bank account differs to the one you provide in your email, please let the Treasurer know, as they will otherwise not be able to link the incoming payment to your name.

The current BACS Treasurer is:

Dr Lin Feng

British Association for Chinese Studies

Associate Professor in Film Studies

Director of Studies of Film Studies

School of Arts, Media and Communication

University of Leicester

University Road, Leicester

LE1 7RH, United Kingdom



2.Step) You will then need to create a standing order for your annual membership payment. To do so, please log into your own online banking system and make a payment to the BACS bank account:

BACS bank account details:

Account name: British Association for Chinese Studies

Bank: Metro Bank

Account number: 45845753

Sort-code: 23-05-80

IBAN: GB90MYMB23058045845753


3.Step) The BACS Treasurer will write to you with a confirmation of your membership, including a Welcome Letter.


Information to include in email to BACS Treasurer:

Please provide the following information (items marked * are essential). The subject of your email should be: ‘BACS Membership’.


*First Name



Address including postcode

Phone number

Institutional affiliation (if any)

Discipline or type of academic Interest

*Type of membership:

  • Full membership/full-time employment: £40
  • Full membership/part-time and casual contract: £30
  • Full membership/student or retiree: £10
  • Joint/family membership: £55